Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day One

I've talked about blogging for a rediculously long time. My latest excuse has been lack of a good blog name. So rather than procrastinate any longer (yes Mom, I know I'm an expert) I'll get 'er done. I can't promise I will blog often. I also will not promise any intelligent statements will be made here. However since most of our family (and a lot of friends) live somewhere besides Minnesota, I will keep y'all posted on our little family. I hope someone reads this besides my Mom and I hope that we'll hear back from some of you.



Anonymous said...

Looks great so far. I see one picture and one video. I don't understand the stuff in the green column on the right though. What does "Followers" mean? Should I and can I become one? How? I also don't know what to "Comment as" and what all the selections there mean. So I guess I'm "Anonymous" for now.
Love you! Mom

Holly and Adam said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!

Jessica said...

Love it hon! Hope you are able to update more often than I. :o)

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